Nancy G. Brundrett

Nancy G. playing mandolin Nancy G. playing guitar

Sounds Of The Heart

More Poems

China Blue and Mahogany
Firefly Cry
Girl with Guitar
If You Were Mine
In this Stillness
It's Just Another Day to Me
I Wish You Time
Life Is like a Flower
Meet Me in My Dreams
My White River
Shine On
Sounds of the Heart
The Space Between Hello and Goodbye
Time to Fly
When I Miss You the Most

Sounds Of The Heart

By Nancy G. Brundrett
© 2003

January 28, 2003

Where are you right now? I say
On the road or staring out the window into a new day?
Is that a cup of coffee in your hand I see?
Do you like it black and sugar free?
It's the small things in life that add up
They always seem to fall into my empty cup. . .
There is such a hunger & thirst inside these days
My eyes look for yours & remember your ways
Saw you in the lines the ocean made as she tides
Saw you in the sands upon the foam that rides
Feel you in the summer winds on a starful night
Sense your closeness, and the feelings are just right
I have been here many times before
Suppose I visit this place looking for more
Did I ever tell you I have a tear in my heart?
It's been there ever since we drifted apart
Lay me down gently in crimson and clover
Speak your heartful words over and over
Quietness, now you are a friend of mine
So where is your fire? Need your warmth & shine
You left me as fragile as a winter rose
Standing cold in this fountain that forever flows
You're the only one that makes me beautiful inside
So naturally into your arms I want to hide
In this stillness, come with your eyes & help me see
You were there when my innocence sailed out to sea
I remember we made a covenant . . . you and me
But somehow I tumbled down like a falling tree
Now you are the silence between each word
And in this silence I recall everything I heard
So now I get higher to lose all the lows
If you try, you can feel me in the wind that blows
So unbreak my heart as I start to fall
Just glad that you are even here at all
Want to hold you for the man you are longing to be
Behold the woman that you somehow made me
I need the mercy of the clouds and the rain
For without your embrace, I'll never be the same
I hear the heart say. "Just let your feelings go"
Gently falling 'cuz the heart says so
So drink your coffee and stare out into space
And in your mind your hands will trace
The sounds of the heart make this moment unwind
True love never dies. It rests forever within this vine